Attend monthly executive meetings. Assigns volunteer jobs and call to remind volunteers of upcoming events.
Setup tables, chairs, and other supplies; receive and organize food; decorate as needed, etc
Tidy tables, chairs, food leftovers; vacuum; take garbage out to bin; take down decorations; etc
Provide support to group lesson teachers, may help with setup of class and clean-up
Call group students for cancellations or announcements relating to group lessons or special events, etc.
Sanctuary Setup (violin only)
Moving furniture for concerts (before and after)
Generate ideas and help execute fundraising events.
Create grad certificates for book graduations.
Contact local retirement homes, old age homes to determine if a concert would be welcome, if a piano is available and to schedule times for concerts. Advise teachers of scheduled opportunity and generates sign-up forms.
Provide information to teachers and parents regarding local workshops, summer camps, Suzuki Institutes, festivals, etc.
Accompany string students at Solo Sundays and provided rehearsal.
Attend monthly executive meetings Establish agenda and objectives of Executive meetings Chair and run Executive meetings With help of teachers, recruit positions on Executive Back up Executive members Attend teacher meetings Contribute letter from president to newsletter Co-sign cheques Thank yous Liaison between teachers, executive and other parents Liaison between Association and other community groups Receives and answers all special correspondence Keeps updated executive listing With help of teachers, keeps updated annual events calendar Liaison between Strathcona church and BSA (rental contract etc.)
Attend monthly executive meetings. Receive all BSA cheques for deposit. Provide financial statements and budget. Receive teacher expense forms and provide payment.
Attend monthly executive meetings, prepare and distribute minutes of meetings to executive and teachers
Attend monthly executive meetings. Enrol students and track student data. Forward cheques to Treasurer. Provide reports to executive as necessary.
Attend monthly executive meetings. Arrange for ads and promotional activities. Provide City with our ad to put in the Parks and Rec Guide. Advise local papers of our events.
Attend monthly executive meetings. Check phone line messages regularly and direct message to appropriate person.
Update and edit website content with the assistance of web master.